My content is no where near perfect and that’s okay whats more important is that you are creating quality content especially with the amount of content there is to consume! 

I wanted to put together a starter kit that, I felt are really useful items to use when shooting both video and static imagery.

I’ll also link everything I use below (if you purchase using the links included I may earn commission)

Here’s a guide to everything I use to create killer content!

Tripod – this has literally been my go to for everything I’ve done over the past several months and I love it the most when self shooting with my phone. It’s really lightweight and I can travel with it because it’s collapsible and can easily fit in my backpack . You can also use it to get really good angles its flexible in that way!

Camera or phone with settings at a high resolution – Apple 12 Pro Max – I use my phone more than anything a lot of times just because of the convenience! My phone has a pretty good camera and with the right settings and lighting the final results turn out pretty amazing here’s a link to something I shot recently using my phone, plus a few screenshots of the video settings below.


Good natural lighting – I love shooting during the golden hour ( an hour before sunset ) when I can especially during the summer because the days are much longer. The camera and brands tend to love natural light more than artificial light you get from a ring light. When shooting indoors I try to face East near a window for really good results with lighting too

Ring lights– ring lights can be a game changer especially in the fall when we loose our natural sunlight! They often are comparable with your phone and similar to a tripod with different settings and versatility! I’ve linked a few for you here !

Stayed tuned for my next blog where I’ll discuss my DSLR camera and the lenses I love to use for editorial style content.