It’s really easy to to stay in our comfy zones! It’s even easier to do the same things over again because once you get into a rhythm it can become second nature or a habit! 

Sometimes this is okay other times not so much ! I made a few mistakes as a creative over the years and I want to point my mistakes out to you so you can think about these things as you grow and plan out content!

Here are 3 mistakes I’ve made as an influencer.


Negotiating – Fear comfort and comparison all have prevented me for asking for what I know i deserve. I’ve probably left money on the table because I was afraid to decline an offer or ask to be paid more. Please keep in mind if a brand has money to pay you there is always room to negotiate rates! Don’t sell yourself short. Sometimes negotiating can mean increasing or decreasing deliverables on a campaign so that both you and the brand are comfortable and in agreement with what type of content is being offered 

Diversifying content – don’t put all your eggs in one basket I know this is really easy to say because I’m still working to diversify more ! 

But being able to share your influence across different channels will open you up to new possibilities opportunities and audiences! This kind of makes me anxious thinking about it but it’s true ! But find a way to become active in more than one place !

For example Pinterest for me is a new thing I’m exploring and I like it There ! I was able

To land my first paid partnership on this platform at the end of last year and had I not been somewhat active that wouldn’t have happened! I will gradually work myself into being more active in other places ( YouTube + tiktok) but for now Instagram and Pinterest are really good for me.

Taking more risks – your content doesn’t have to be perfect! Focus on value do something you probably haven’t done before think out of the box from time to time! I think doing this will also open you up to more creativity. One example of this could be going live on a platform or trying out a new transition for your next reel! The results may surprise you! 

I also wanted to mention that I use Later to help me batch and schedule my content. They also have really cool tools you can use to see your engagement and also have a hashtag generator feature that helps you pick the best hashtags to use with your content!

If you’re interested in planning out your content and growing your brand! Use this link to get started!